Motorcycle Shock Absorber Oil

As a special product dedicated to motorcycle shock absorber,SINOPEC Motorcycle Shock Absorber Oil is blended with highly refined base stock with high viscosity index and multi-functional additives. It is applied to all kinds of motorcycle shock absorbers working under severe conditions.


      ♦ Outstanding high/low temperature properties, with application conditions of all weather, propitious application at temperature of -40ºC to 50ºC

      ♦ High viscosity index, good viscosity and temperature properties, ensuring good viscosity

      ♦ Relatively strong anti-oxidation ability, providing fill-for-life protection to shock absorber

      ♦ Excellent anti-wear and friction reducing abilities, effectively protecting parts of shock

      ♦ Good foam stability and rubber compatibility, ensuring normal and smooth running of shock absorber parts

Performance specification

     The product meets the following specifications:

     ♦ Q/SH303 065-2007


    ♦ Suitable for motorcycle shock absorber

    ♦ Especially suitable for all kinds of shock absorbers working under severe conditions

Typical properties


Motorcycle Shock Absorber Oils

ISO viscosity grade 15 22 32
Kinematic viscosity(40ºC),mm2/s 13.79 20.14 32.66
Flash Point(COC),ºC min 182 213 225
Pour point, ºC -45 -35 -36